Launched in Spring 2017, the USC Rossier Career Network is an online networking and mentoring platform designed to facilitate meaningful connections within the Rossier Family.
Platform benefits include:
- Search the network for alumni based on experience, location, expertise and areas they have indicated they are willing to provide assistance
- Join groups based on different sectors within the education industry to focus your networking efforts
- Connect directly with alumni via the messaging platform and use the built-in video chat feature to conduct your meeting.
- Ask questions and get expert advice via the discussions feature. You can also provide advice by answering a question.
- View job opportunities posted by network members and immediately see other network members currently working at a specific employer. Looking to hire a fellow Trojan? Post your opportunity on the network.
- Learn about upcoming USC Rossier events as well as career enhancing events hosted by other organizations
- Explore career enhancing resources
Join the USC Rossier Career Network today and start tapping into the Trojan Network!